Pinch only supports one connected integration over the lifetime of your Pinch account. If you want to use a different integration you MUST register a new Pinch account to connect to this new Accounting Software.
When you connect your initial accounting software to Pinch (Lets say Xero) the system maps all of it's endpoints to specific XeroID's that correspond to several areas of our system. If you were to connect another Accounting software over the top of, or after another one was previously connected all of these endpoints become invalid, and majority of the feature you will be accustom to will no longer function.Below are some examples of things that won't work.
- Contact syncing
- Payment syncing (The actual status of the payment being changed)
- Transfer syncing (Settlements fro reconciliation)
- Pre-approval mapping
- Customer Portal invoice sync
All of these things are vital for Pinch to function properly, and as such we advise you to NEVER connection a different or new accounting software to an existing Pinch Account.
If you have any questions regarding this, and how Pinch may be able to assist in migrating data from one Pinch account to another please contact us at and the team will be able to guide you through this process.