1. Resource Centre
  2. Refunds & Chargebacks

Can I Refund my Customer directly?

ANSWER: You shouldn't

Payments processed through Pinch should always be refunded through the Pinch portal and should never be refunded directly (by cash or bank transfer). 

This is for two main reasons: a) Payments should always be reversed using the same method of payment and payment instrument where possible to comply with AML guidelines.  b) Any electronic payment that is not reversed correctly has the potential to be disputed by the customer in the future (and if lost, would result in you being out of pocket twice for the same transaction). 

However please note that refunds can take quite some time to get back to the customer if they are processed through Pinch, especially if they are direct debits not credit card payments. If you have a situation where you really need to refund them outside the system to ensure they get their money back faster, please get in touch with us and let us know so we can guide you through the process.