A Direct-Debit arrangement or request is set up between a Business and a payer under the Business Name / Business Entity the arrangement was authorised. If these are not changing then the DD stands, otherwise, it becomes invalid
If you change your ABN, and your business has changed its trading name/business name then you are required to inform your customers on Direct-Debit arrangements that this has occurred and what the process to either remove or update their pre-approval is.
The easiest way to resolve this is to contact your clients and request their action on one of the below.
1. Have them inform you if they are looking to maintain the pre-approval via Pinch or no longer wish to have the Direct Debit arrangement and cancel it.
You can then;
- Request they update their pre-approval via the Customer Portal,
- Send them the "Update Pre-approval email" which will update their pre-approval under the next ABN
- Cancel their Pre-approval if they have expressed they want this done.