August 2023 Product Updates

A quick overview of recent changes and updates to Pinch Payments.

At Pinch we are always hard at work updating and enhancing our platform. Below are some new features you need to know about, as well as some changes to existing ones.

Export customer list as a CSV file

This feature allows you to download your entire Pinch customer list into .csv format. We built this feature for two reasons:

  • To make it easier for merchants to find duplicates and merge them
  • So that you can send pre-approval emails to customers in bulk using email marketing/CRM tools

This feature can be found by clicking on the Customers link in the sidebar menu. 

Edit and duplicate payment plans 

Before there was no way to edit a payment plan after you set one up. We have changed that so that you can continue to edit your payment plans up to the moment that the first customer signs up to it. 

You can also now duplicate payment plans. This is a simple quality of life change to help customers save time.

You can now see these options when you click on a Payment Plan.

Absorb transaction fees on pre-approvals

We now allow merchants who choose to surcharge Pinch fees to their customers, to instead accept the fees for customers who are on pre-approval. 

This very handy feature offers you a way to incentivise your customers to sign up to a pre-approval, which means you can then automatically collect payments from them using a stored payment method.

We have seen merchant's successfully improve the take up of pre-approvals by enabling this feature, and removing direct deposit and other non Pinch payment methods from their invoices. This encourages more customers to use Pinch as a payment solution, while giving them a fee-free option via enabling automatic payments.

You can enable this feature as an account wide rule by going to the Getting Paid section in Account Settings, or for a specific customer from their customer details screen.

Visibility of settlement sync status

You can now see the status of a settlement's sync with your accounting system. This allows you to at a glance see when your sync has yet to occur, and catch any errors with your accounting connection and self resolve them.


Payment source and payment type in payment list

When viewing recent payments either on the all payments list, or on a payments list for a specific customer, you can now at a glance view the source of the payment as well as the instrument used. 

Pinch - Pay Now Customer Initiated - This is when the customer has made the transaction from the pay now link off of your invoice, or invoice issued.

Pinch Pay Now - Merchant Initiated - This is when the payment has been processed on behalf of a customer by an admin user of the Pinch merchant account, from the pay now page. 

Pinch Auto Debit - Payments made via pre-approval.

Pinch API - Auto Debit - Payments made via third party integrations.

Pinch - Plans and Subscriptions - Payments made via plans and subscriptions.

Pinch Batched - Merchant Intiated - Payments are made in bulk by the merchant from the full payment screen.

Pinch Batch Pay Now - Merchant Initiated - Payments are made in bulk by the merchant on the pay now page loaded from the invoice screen in the portal.

Pinch Batch Pay Now - Customer Initiated - Payments are made in bulk by the customer on the pay now page loaded from their invoice.

Pinch Customer Portal - Pay Now - Payments that are made by the customer through the Customer Portal.

Pinch Customer Portal - Auto Debit - Payments that are made by the customer through the Customer Portal using autopayment settings.

Referral link and partner dashboard

You can now navigate to Referred Clients to find a list of customers that have signed up using your referral link, which can also be found here. This is the bottom item in the sidebar menu.

Partners can now view enhanced insights into the usage of their referrals Pinch accounts on their existing dashboard.