How do I access my clients Pinch files as a Pinch partner?

When you are a Pinch Official Partner, you may be able to use Pinch on behalf of your clients. This article outlines how.

When you are an accountant or financial admin on behalf of a merchant you may occasionally need to use Pinch on their behalf.

If you have your own Pinch account already it may make more sense to use your existing account to access it, otherwise you may run into issues such as your email address already being used.

Pinch allows our merchants to use their Pinch account logins to access other Pinch accounts. Here's how.

How To Get Permission to Access Another Pinch Merchant Account

In order to access this feature you must be a registered partner of Pinch and your account must be fully verified. You can find more information here.

In order to get access to another Pinch merchant account as a partner and that merchant already has a Pinch account, you must get your client to reach out to and make the request themselves. This is how we can confirm legitimacy. They will need to let us know the name of your business and the contact they wish to provide the access to.

If you are a Pinch Partner and you need access to the merchant account of a customer that you are referring, you can create their account using the account creation form found here. If they sign up themselves you will need to follow the above process.

How To Access the Account Once You Have the Permission

Note: All users with the Partner Admin option enabled will be able to access the partner features. If you cannot see them you will need Pinch support to enable the partner admin option for all of your own users that you want to have access to them. Please note we cannot apply individual users only access to certain merchants, it is an all or none proposition.

To see and access your connected merchants navigate to the Partners section and click on the name of the merchant in the list. If it is not a link, it means that you do not have permission yet.

You will then arrive at the Dashboard of your customer's Pinch account and essentially be "impersonating them". The entire system will be the same experience as if you were logged in as them.

To navigate back to your acccount click the down arrow next the business name in the top left corner of the merchant portal and select unimpersonate.