This article will explain what each of the status mean for the various types of Payments in Pinch as well as the various source types (Where a payment came from)
Payment Status:
Scheduled Payments: A Scheduled payment is an invoice where the date is in the future, which is either inactive or active for auto-debit (Based on if a pre-approval exists or not)
Recent Payments: Visibility on all the invoice payments that are processing or successful.
Failed Payments: Where all failed payment will be visible until an action is taken to resolve this, ie the payment is automatically rescheduled or a Merchant manually processes the payment again.
Outstanding Payments: Visibility on all overdue and past dated invoices appear.
Refunded Payments: A running ledger of all refunded payments that have occurred inside of Pinch.
Invoices on Plans: Visibility on all invoices that have a Breakdown Payment plan assigned to them.
Payment Source:
Pinch Auto-Debit: A payment that has been processed automatically by the Pinch system due to a client being on an unlimited pre-approval.
Pinch API - Auto-Debit: A payment that has been triggered automatically via a pre-approval from a system that is connected to our API (The API has received a payment from an external source)
Pinch Plans and Subscriptions: A payment that has automatically debited due to being part of a plan or subscription
Pinch Pay Now - Customer Initiated: A client has payed via either accounting system Pay Now option that links to Pinch, or from an invoice issued email sent to the client form Pinch.
Pinch Batched - Merchant Initiated: A Merchant has batched multiple invoices together for payment via clients stored payment method (Pre-approval active)
Pinch Batched - Customer Initiated: A Customer has batched multiple invoices together for payment via the Pay Now page.
Pinch Customer Portal - Pay Now: A customer has payed an single invoice from the Pinch Customer Portal using a save payment method (Not a pre-approval)
Pinch Customer Portal - Auto-Debit: A customer has pre-authorised a payment using a stored payment method that was automatically debited on the due date of the invoice from the Customer Portal.