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  2. Account Configuration

How-to Article | Updating your Settlement Bank Account Details in Pinch

  1. Log into your Pinch account.


  2. Click on Config from the left menu.

  3. Click on the Getting Paid tab.

  4. Your Bank Account Details is the physical Bank Account Pinch settles funds to for successfully processed Payments. 


For security reasons, we don't allow you change the bank account via the Pinch portal.

You can request for these details to be changed by sending an email to hello@getpinch.com.au along with a recent Bank Statement for the both the current account and the new account you would like to change to. 

New bank account

- A recently issued statement proving that you have access to the account and the bank account has been issued for your business. Again, a PDF export from your online banking facility is preferred

- The new bank account should be added to your accounting system, and the name of the bank account in your accounting system

With this information we can get your details changed over.